Disposable medical masks are designed to protect you by filtering the air and fitting closely on your face. They can also contain droplets and particles you breathe, cough, or sneeze out so you don't spread them to others.Respirators like N95 and KN95 are made to filter out fine particulates. They fit snugly on your face and are made from a material that resists oily or greasy particles.Disposable medical masks are a type of personal protective equipment (PPE). They are used in healthcare facilities to prevent clinicians, patients and visitors from spreading germs by talking, coughing, sneezing and the transfer of respiratory secretions, fluids or droplets.The level of protection offered by masks varies depending on their material, design and how they are used. Loosely woven cloth products offer the least protection, layered finely woven masks offer more protection, well-fitting disposable surgical masks and KN95s offer even more protection, and NIOSH-approved respirators provide the highest level of protection.

Regardless of their type, masks are essential to infection control. They are an important part of respiratory etiquette, and they should be used to help protect the health of workers and their patients during procedures or when caring for patients in isolation.A respirator is a device used to help reduce exposure to airborne contaminants such as particles, gases or vapours. They can be disposable or reusable.Disposable medical masks are typically made from paper and plastics. These masks are used in hospitals, laboratories and other health care facilities.N95 respirators (filtering facepiece respirators) are the most effective masks for containing droplets and particles you breathe, cough or sneeze out. They fit closely on your face and filter out particles, including the virus that causes COVID-19.
They should have minimal gaps along the side, around the nose or under the chin to prevent air and droplets from bypassing the filter medium.These masks can be purchased at your local drugstore or online. Be sure to read the manufacturer’s instructions on how to wear, store and clean or properly dispose of the mask.Respirators should be selected based on the hazards present and the worker’s needs. They are required to be part of an Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) respiratory protection program.Eye injuries are one of the most common work-related health problems. Every day, about 2,000 U.S. workers are treated for eye injuries that could have been prevented with the use of proper protective eye and face equipment, according to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).
These include chemicals or foreign objects in the eyes, scratches on the cornea, burns from steam, ultraviolet and infrared radiation exposure, and chemical splashes. These can all be prevented by using the appropriate equipment, such as goggles or face shields.Eye protection is mandatory in all areas where there are physical, chemical, biological or radiological hazards that could cause eye injury. PIs and lab supervisors are responsible for performing risk assessments, making eye protection a required item in their laboratory spaces and training staff on task-specific hazards.Clothing protects the body from a range of things, such as rain and snow, toxic chemicals, heat, and contact with abrasive substances. It also performs a variety of social functions, such as being a symbol of gender or religion.Disposable medical masks are loosefitting, disposable face coverings that filter out droplets and sprays that may contain germs when the wearer breathes in. They’re also known as surgical masks or medical procedure masks.